Are you up the challenge of taking out the toughest enemies in Skyrim?

The enemies on this list are the most dangerous in the game with most being for players with hundreds of hours logged in the game. One of the most addictive parts of Skyrim, besides creating the perfect home for the Dragonborn, is leveling up your character in order to take on the highest-powered enemies in Skyrim. RELATED: Games Like Final Fantasy With Even Better Stories For most players, there is always something new waiting to be discovered, and when there is not, Bethesda or modders make it so. The game is big enough to continue to surprise players consistently but, at the same time, is contained enough not to overwhelm them. There is much to do - quests, grinding, smithing, alchemy, courting, and home decorating -and it never gets old. You have total freedom to play the game as you see fit. Skyrim (and The Elder Scrolls series at large) just keeps giving and giving.